Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Hoofing it!

Hoofing it!

Where in the world are Pat and Beth?  Yesterday we tried locating the house address on the GPS and it couldn’t find the town of BIG SKY.  This morning I tried to change the time zone on my computer and it said, can’t determine location???  I do know we are somewhere is God’s beautiful country!  I’m really sorry that technology can’t see it.

We rested very nicely last night and are trying to not get lost in this enormous house, lots of rooms and hallways. Looks like there is going to be a ski access soon out the back.  The trees are cleared and there are some red flags posted.  What a great place to live if you are a skier.  

Beth's friends are still with us.  This morning we all went downtown to the Visitor's Center.  A wonderful young lady gave us lots of advice and suggestions for today and for the remainder of our trip. :]

Today we decided to go slow and short!  First we went to Elkhorn Trailhead.  It was located inside a campground.  Lots of red cliffs in the background of a quick moving river.  The trail was a rough-hewn path.  All was fine until the path that went sideways.
Pat managed to do it with a hand from Frank.  But two seconds later, we found out that it was the end of that trail!  (Thank God!)   We went on the trail along the river.  Very pretty but not challenging enough for some in our group, so we split up.  Beth and I took the low road and found lots of bear scat, but no bears!  We all met back at the car and decided our tummies needed some sustenance.

After we ate we went to another trail called Ousal Falls.  It was absolutely beautiful.  A wide cleared trail, made this a real easy feat.  It wound around and brought us up to a view of the falls. The rock formations and rushing falls were spectacular!  

I would say for our first  day of trekking we did pretty good. We are looking forward to visiting 

Yellowstone tomorrow.  We have a planned route and hope to set out early for a full day.

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